Debunking the Most Common Myths About SMS Marketing

Debunking the Most Common Myths About SMS Marketing

14 Mar 2024

In the realm of digital marketing, SMS marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience in a direct and personalised way. However, there still exists several misconceptions surrounding the approach that often deter businesses from leveraging its full potential.

In this article, we will debunk some of the most common myths about SMS marketing and shed light on the realities behind this valuable marketing strategy.

Myth 1: SMS Marketing Is Outdated and Ineffective

One of the most prevalent myths about SMS marketing is that it's outdated and ineffective compared to newer digital marketing channels. However, this couldn't be further from the truth.

SMS marketing remains highly effective: they boast open rates as high as 98%, far surpassing other channels like email marketing, and have an average response rate of 45%, which makes them one of the most engaging forms of communication with consumers (Zhou, 2024). Evidently, SMS marketing is a relevant and powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience.

Myth 2: SMS Marketing Is Spammy and Intrusive

Another common misconception is that SMS marketing is inherently spammy and intrusive, leading to negative perceptions among consumers.

While it's true that spammy and unsolicited messages can tarnish the reputation of SMS marketing, it can be a highly targeted and personalised communication channel if done correctly. Moreover, everyone on your SMS list has already consented to hear from your business; there is no need to worry about being unwanted.

Myth 3: SMS Marketing Is Cost-Prohibitive

Some businesses shy away from SMS marketing under the assumption that it's too expensive to implement.

However, with advancements in technology and the availability of affordable SMS marketing platforms, the cost of sending text messages has significantly decreased in recent years. Additionally, text messages being primarily text-based means that you don’t have to hire professional designers to create fancy graphics.

Myth 4: SMS Marketing Only Appeals to Younger Customers

When it comes to tech savviness, millennials and Gen Zers automatically come to mind. As such, many businesses believe that SMS marketing only allows them to target the younger generations.

In truth, however, individuals of all ages own smartphones—with texting being the primary method of communication today, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who can't be reached through SMS. Hence, SMS marketing is still extremely effective in targeting Gen Xers and baby boomers.

Myth 5: SMS Marketing Is Limited to Promotional Messages

Promotions and discounts are not the only uses of SMS marketing—SMS messaging can be used for customer service, appointment reminders, event notifications, surveys, and more.

By diversifying the content of your SMS campaigns, you can keep your audience engaged and provide added value beyond just promotional offers. Additionally, SMS marketing allows for real-time communication, making it an ideal channel for delivering time-sensitive information or resolving customer inquiries promptly.

Myth 6: SMS Marketing Is Difficult to Measure and Analyse

Some businesses believe that measuring the effectiveness of SMS marketing campaigns is challenging due to the limited tracking capabilities of text messages.

However, modern SMS marketing platforms offer robust analytics tools that provide valuable insights into campaign performance. From tracking open rates and click-through rates to monitoring conversion metrics, businesses can gather actionable data to optimise their SMS marketing strategies effectively. By leveraging these analytics, businesses can refine their messaging, target specific audience segments, and ultimately drive better results from their SMS campaigns.

Myth 7: SMS Marketing Is Only for Big Brands

Small and medium-sized businesses often believe that SMS marketing tools work best for larger companies.

This is not true—smaller businesses can benefit from SMS marketing, which encourages one-to-one communication and helps nurture better relationships. As such, it is an immensely useful tool that helps build customer loyalty.


SMS marketing is a highly effective and versatile tool for businesses to engage with their audience and drive results. By debunking these common myths, businesses can recognise the value of SMS marketing and incorporate it into their overall marketing strategy effectively. With its high open rates, engagement levels, and cost-effectiveness, SMS marketing remains a valuable asset for businesses looking to connect with their customers in a direct and meaningful way.

As Singapore’s preferred WhatsApp business partner, Moobicast helps businesses conduct mass SMS marketing without the complexities of traditional solutions. We offer an array of communication tools, including WhatsApp solutions and two-factor authentication, to support businesses in communicating.


Zhou, L. (2024). The Ultimate List of SMS Marketing Statistics. Luisa Zhou Blog.'t%20just,to%20just%208%25%20for%20email